AVISO Meetings
Welcome on Aviso+ Meetings website.
Meetings is the Aviso+ web service for the organization of events such as OSTST meetings and IDS Workshop.
It allows you to register for a specific event and/or submit abstracts.
It also offers discussion spaces (forum) for working groups or as a complement to live events.
Upcoming events
2025: October 14 – October 17 | SWOT Science Team meeting

The 2025 SWOT Science Team meeting will take place from October 14 to 17, 2025. Nearly three years after its launch, this science team meeting will showcase the extensive scientific advancements achieved using SWOT data, which has been made publicly available on a global scale. SWOT promises to highlight remarkable accomplishments in oceanography, hydrology, estuary studies, cryosphere research, and groundbreaking discoveries, as well as the emergence of new user communities inspired by SWOT.
One particular objective of this event is to assess the L2 products that will be entirely reprocessed in PID0, and available by May 2025.
With SWOT data now open to the public, this meeting marks the first occasion where participation is extended beyond the Science Team members. We are excited to share and discuss the impressive results from broader scientific and end users communities.
Past events
2023: November 7 – November 11 | Ocean Surface Topography Science Team (OSTST) meeting
The 2023 Ocean Surface Topography Meeting took place from November 7 to 11, 2023, and included a variety of science and technical splinters. These included a special splinter on the Sentinel-6 Validation Team (S6VT) (chaired by the Project Scientists), and a splinter on Coastal Altimetry. With Sentinel-6A Michael Freilich now the reference mission since April 2022, contributions in support of this mission have been strongly encouraged. Early results on SWOT (at least from the nadir altimeter) are most welcome.
2022: October 31 – November 4 2022 (postponement of OSTST 2021) | Ocean Surface Topography Science Team (OSTST) meeting

The 2022 Ocean Surface Topography Meeting occured October 31 – November 4 2022 (postponement of OSTST 2021) and included a variety of science and technical splinters. These included a special splinter on the Sentinel-6 Validation Team (S6VT) feedbacks (chaired by the Project Scientists), a splinter on Coastal Altimetry, and a splinter on CFOSAT. Sentinel-6A Michael Freilich being now the reference mission since April 2022, contributions that support this mission were highly encouraged.
2022: October 31 – November 2 2022 | International Doris Service Workshop (IDS)
This was a meeting for all those who analyse DORIS data, use products derived from DORIS data, or who are involved with the DORIS network. The meeting highlighted current developments and the status of scientific results that use DORIS data, and provideed a platform for discussion and coordination for future activities. The session included oral presentations and posters.
2022: 12 > 14 September | 3rd CFOSAT International Science Team meeting

The 3rd CFOSAT International Science Team meeting took place in Saint-Malo, France (Bretagne) from 12th to 14th September 2022.
2021: 15 > 18 March | 2nd CFOSAT International Science Team virtual meeting

Go to https://cfosatst.aviso.altimetry.fr/ to join the live sessions and the forum (abstracts, presentations, Questions and Answers).